Matthew Moran

I am a PhD student at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Galway. With a gap of only 10 years between finishing my Bachelor's degree and starting my PhD, I sometimes wonder was I crazy to return to the books but most of the time its good.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

You have to start somewhere

My first blog entry.
Coming from my kitchen in Innsbruck waiting to catch a bus to a plane to Crete for a 3 day workshop on Semantic Web. I see the value of Blogs but it will take some time to get used to the idea of publishing my thoughts in such a public way.

So Innsbruck. Its very pretty and the people are friendly even wenn Sie fast kein Wort Deutsch sprechen koennen. You should come here to visit. Enjoy the mountain air. Stroll around the old town - a small network of cobbled streets. Hit the Elferhaus bar (almost under the goldenes Dachl) for a Wiesenberger beer.

The town is set up for a short break with the Innsbruck card. It covers most entry-fees and all the buses that you need to take. The highlights are the Bergisel for the ski-jump, the Hungerberg-bahn for breathtaking views and the Alpine Zoo. Just watch out for the bears. Come in April and you can combine some glacier skiing with the spring sports. Come in May or June and enjoy the weather.